Patient Testimonials

Hand therapy can change lives, and who better to share the importance and impact of hand therapy than our patients?

Hand Therapy Awareness Videos

ASHT is proud to share three hand therapy awareness videos featuring compelling patient success stories. We encourage you to share these videos with your colleagues and social media followers to promote the specialty.

Meet 93-year-old Helen Hamilton, whose experience with hand therapy helped her return to everyday activities, including her new favorite hobby -- crocheting. Helen crochets animals and clothing to sell at local craft fairs to raise money for her retirement community.

Even with 50+ years of experience, piano concert technician Greg Sikora knows "doing a one-handed job would be impossible," so when he broke his finger last year, he took his recovery seriously. Learn how hand therapy got him "tuned up" and back to work.

Tennis elbow affects more than just tennis players! Learn how hand therapy helped HR manager Rosa Crespo, whose lateral epicondylitis ("tennis elbow") was causing a lot of pain with repetitive movements at her desk job.

Share Your Story!


Did you sustain an injury that affected you at work, or prevented you from participating in an activity/hobby? Did a hand therapist treat you and help you return to function? Did hand therapy change your life? If you’re comfortable sharing your story, please take a few moments to complete this webform. Your story may be featured on our website or in upcoming campaigns.


Share your success stories with ASHT! Please reach out to your outstanding patients, and encourage them to submit a testimonial using the patient webform. Conversely, you may solicit the testimonial directly from your patient, and submit to ASHT through the therapist webform. Note: You will be asked to upload documentation of your patient’s consent using this form. Your story may be featured on our website or in upcoming campaigns.

Help spread word of our campaign to your patients with these printable flyers!